To help improve their skills in the sport, people can invest in top quality cricket supplies. Also, many people now make use of the plentiful advice available online.
For example, individuals who are keen to better their bowling technique may be interested in pointers offered by Level One English Cricket Board coach Ian Canaway. Writing on Topend Sports, he suggested that a “combination of natural ability, good technique and practice is the recipe for good bowling, whether it is fast, slow or spin”.
He added that the basic grip to hold the ball is to keep the seam vertical and to hold the ball with the index finger and middle finger either side of the seam with the side of your thumb resting on the seam underneath. In the approach, it’s important to be smooth, balanced, economical, rhythmical, consistent and relaxed, the expert added.
Mr Canaway went on to state: “During your approach and action, your head position is very important. Make sure that as you approach the wicket you are running at a steady, consistent speed, and increase strides. Aim to keep your head as steady and level as possible, looking towards your target.”
The specialist also recommending pulling the front arm down and through the target area, making sure the delivery is completed with a full follow through. Meanwhile, to boost stamina some light weights sessions can be incorporated into training routines. When people are on the lookout for new cricket equipment, they increasingly head online. This can be a quick and convenient way to access the best products.